
像孔子/佛陀一样,耶稣本人没有写任何书本,相关的经典/圣经都是由他们的学生/门徒记录老师的言行,流传下来的。 由于学生很多,个人写的记录和诠释带有个别风采,并且为了迎合大众的需求,如诉说耶稣婴儿时期的奇迹故事,结果出现了多元的现象。后来出现统整,只有四部福音被纳入主流的新约,即马修福音,马克福音,鲁克福音及约翰福音。 这四部福音被选中,是因为它们都有共同的立场,把耶稣当作核心人物---救世主。 "the one on whom everything depends, the Messiah, the Savior, the Lord." 反之,其他相当多的福音,却把耶稣当作老师,一个觉悟者,或慈悲的菩萨, "one whom you and I could emulate, whom we could perhaps become." 基本上是完全不同的焦点。 发展出来的概念,差别在于,耶稣身为人类唯一的救世主,代表教堂的地位,是人类灵魂得到救赎的唯一道路。 “this conviction of the importance and uniqueness of Jesus, which also becomes the importance and uniqueness of the church as the only means of salvation...If you are not a member of that church, leaders of that church have claimed from the first century until now, you are outside, you are perhaps consigned to damnation." 一本没有被纳入圣经的托马斯福音,对耶稣的描绘特别不同。 据哈佛John H. Morisin Professor of New Testament Studies,阅读 托马斯福音后,你会发现, “you and Jesus at a deep level are identical twins. And you discover that you are the child of God ...