
Showing posts from October, 2013


上个礼拜沮丧得不得了。 把儿子拉拔成100公斤,把屎把尿,昔日苦心今日却堪无造诣。尚无。却意外盼到学校连续寄来两封通告,上课迟到记过,扣去操行分数若干。这样的事,居然发生在这样的年纪。当妈的连招双番打击,钻牛角尖去了。 怎地这么不省事啊?据他说,因为休息时间仅10分钟,来不及吃完杂饭,匆匆赶及,老师已入课室。可是怎能一再犯同样错误呢? 理由说出来,只觉这孩子怎地医肚头等大事,分外耿直不知变通。否则就是另有隐情,不便相告。那更让妈咪胡思乱想,杯弓蛇影。 另外给15岁男孩当代理妈妈,原来也是同样毫不省事。 这个年龄的臭屁孩,额头上都应该贴着《Brain Under Construction》,用意提醒看着他们情绪起伏如骤雨疾雷的我们,稍安勿躁,请抚心回首自己当年,何不同样浑身刺。那时自己的父母是否硬吞怒气,搞成心肌梗塞乃必经之路。 稍安勿躁,施工未竣,请宽容厚待,多谢海量。谁叫你是家长。幸是之前已有对付老大的经验,所以没有大惊小怪。因为老大不省油,于是所能发生的难过早已领教了,有前车之鉴。 或者到底不是怀胎十月,隔层血缘,反没什么紧张。比较像以师长的身份殷殷导之。 尽管孩子多愁善感,我依然坦言剖析,直击中心。不然甜言蜜语再多,掩得了一时,遮不了一世。相处时间也不多了。谁喜欢长年累月一直演戏呢?不累吗?花无百日好,总有凋谢时。人也一样,总带点缺点需改进,不该添他人麻烦。就缺个指点的人,专心聆听的人。 毕竟已建立感情,了无主宾之分,所以才牵肠挂肚,日思暮想,希望你好,希望你省点事,让我心安。 我把2009年给12岁老大 写的信翻出来,让他用谷歌翻译了来读。读毕,孩子居然眼眶润湿,语气哽咽,说信写得‘硬’。叫他感动的意思。 谷歌这样粗糙的翻译,能有此等效果,能不叫当妈的心宽成一片汪洋吗?  。。。。。。。。。。。。。                                  ...


连续上一篇。材料取自互联网课程《The Brief History of Humankind》。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 The basic polytheistic insight is that the supreme power of the universe has no interest and no biases. So if people want help in their mundane affairs, they should address one of the subordinate gods, rather than the supreme power. And each person could choose whatever god or gods, were most suitable to him. One person wanted to worship Apollo, another person worshiped Zeus. A third person worshiped Aphrodite and so forth. With time, however followers of certain polytheistic gods, they became so fond their particular god, that they drifted away from this basic insight. They began to believe that their particular god is not one among many, but is the only god and that he is in fact, identical to the supreme power of the universe. Yet, at the same time, they continued to view their god as having interests and biases. They continued to believe, that their god even though it is the supreme power of the universe, it ...


继续上上一篇,《什么是polytheism?》 记得好几年前,大宝升节刚过,办公室里的印裔小妹妹带游行的相片簿来分享。我从成叠的七彩兴都教神祗中找到一个白脸孔的观世音佛像,下巴几乎掉下。小妹妹笑嘻嘻说,是呀,观世音也算是我们的其中一位神。那时我的脑筋实在是卡主,不知该作何想。 取自wikipedia 大概从自家宗教开始学习的话,不会看到比较‘全面’的描绘。得从更长的年代,跨越几千、纵横几万年,方摸索得出少许轮廓,理解一点道理。 毕竟每个宗教多少总会有一言堂之举。而拉长时间仔细观察人类历史,就有另一番体会。 上次抄到多神宗教有不理人世的全能力量,the supreme power,因为祂不管事,人类只好塑造或 拜托比较低层次的神祗,符合各种祈求,造就百花齐放百家争鸣。 ...................... One of the implications of this basic polytheistic insight, is that polytheists turned to be tolerant towards the religious beliefs of other people. Since polytheists believe on the one hand, in one supreme but completely disinterested power, and on the other hand, in many partial and biased powers, all these gods and goddesses. Then polytheists have no difficulty to accept the existence and the efficacy of all kinds of gods. I may worship this god or this goddess, but there are others in the world, it's very obvious to polytheists. Polytheists are therefore inherently open minded and they rarely in history persecu...


据说是目前很红的动画片。老大在追,老幺跟着看。老大会追是因为班上同学正热烈讨论。 然后午夜近12点,老幺用了10分钟画这幅随笔。画满半张纸后,继续给报上的人像画花脸。 刚好画在上星期日头版的照片上,凯里、沙丽扎和玛斯艾米亚蒂。


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 — Banning non-Muslims from calling God “Allah” is tantamount to “ syirik ”, which refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism and is an unforgivable crime in Islam, respected Islamic scholar and former Perlis Mufti Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin has warned Muslims.(The Malay Mail Online-Oct 18) 阿拉的称呼闹得沸沸扬扬,如烧开的沸水,一不小心就会烫伤。上面剪摘玻璃市受尊重的前伊斯兰顾问的发言。 世上的主要宗教粗略分成两种,一神教和多神教。一神教英文叫着monotheism,那么顾名思义,多神教就是polytheism了。基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰是一神教,只膜拜唯一的上帝。多神教就很热闹,因为涵盖许许多多各式各样的神祗,如古希腊、古罗马、印度教、中国人传统宗教等。 对基督徒、穆斯林和犹太教徒来说,信奉多神是一种罪,是偶像崇拜(idolatry)。所以才有宗教师Asri博士以上的立场。 我才疏学浅,不敢卖弄,不过刚好听到有关的课,觉得有趣,贴上来分享。课程内容是哪里来的呢?当然是长达17星期的网络课程,《A Brief History of Humankind》,由The Hebrew University of Jerusalem的Dr Yuval Noah Harari教授的。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 As animism, polytheism also  tends to believe in all these holy rocks and holy trees and demons and the fairies, but polytheists also believe very importantly, in very powerful entities which are called gods. Polytheists bel...


最近闲书读得慢,日子忙,有许多事儿缠身,都是琐碎逐条待解,没去办没人会做,做了亦没什么成就感之类。连报纸也累计近一星期,天天挤点时间看上星期的报,以世事一日千里之势,我永远在读旧闻。 三日没读书面目可憎,以我的面目,有没读过书也没差。 (取自豆瓣) 今天开始翻简媜《好一座浮岛》,光读前言就觉得痛快,特抄段留念: 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。 虽然至今仍会背诵:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立里,四十而不惑。。。。”这段孔老夫子佳言录,自己眼看也要扬步跨越四十门槛成为千禧年一枝花,偏偏不知怎地开始有惑。(书是2004年出版)首先,觉得孔老夫子骗人,四十岁就能不惑,道行未免高了点。不过,古人寿命短今人寿长,四十之数依‘年龄汇率’兑换约值八十,换言之,今人活到八十若能不惑即是圣人。依这算法,现在的我尚未‘弱冠’,血气方刚乃是正常。 现代人一旦挨近四十边儿,不仅有惑,还以惑养惑,惶惶然踏入中年叛逆期,造自己的反。在事业上静极思动,跳槽、转业或创业,成功者立即有财经杂志专题报导,冠以‘跨世纪接班人’或‘大师’、‘教父’、‘天王’等狗项圈般的封号(不过,数位时代绝对是史无前例具有‘弑父情怀’的时代,四十二岁的人只能给二十四岁电脑鬼才当警卫),失败者则不必赘言。感情上也不安静,二度单身、汰旧换新或兼容并蓄,抽屉里不乏‘悔过书’或‘离婚协议书’,最糟的是‘验伤单’。身体也开始闹事,该软不软,该硬不硬,遂一夕之间从美食享乐者变成生机饮食的狂热信徒。若无以上事例,必然另有玄机;要不是年纪一大把才生个小孩(或又生一个)藉此注射‘中年危机’疫苗,即是三更半夜忽地将红尘看得半破,天一亮成为慈济志工。 四十岁很麻烦,学问、修为固然有点积蓄,但那本钱只够摸到上帝的腰围,没多大长进。年轻像一件薄薄的花衬衫,即使是恶寒天气也能招蜂引蝶把春天骗回来。四十不是,像穿着别人闷了两个冬天没洗的厚大衣,再怎么谈笑讌讌,就是有霉味。 我的惑是自找的,没人惹我。先是两只眼睛觉得干涩、戳热,接着看什么都不顺眼了。原本清楚明白的事物,忽然变得...


Simon and Garfunkel - The Boxer I am just a poor boy Though my story's seldom told I have squandered my resistance For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises All lies and jests Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy In the company of strangers In the quiet of the railway station running scared Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters Where the ragged people go Looking for the places only they would know Lie la lie ... Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job But I get no offers, Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there Lie la lie ... Then I'm laying out my winter clothes And wishing I was gone Going home Where the New York City winters aren't bleeding me Bleeding me, going home In the clearing stands a boxer And a fighter by his t...


几年前老大不断说我的头像鱼,我一直不明白,这是什么形容词?是褒或贬? 难道我头发洗得不够勤,冒鱼腥味了? 前天,哈比人给我拍一张剪影。我放大来看,吓 ,儿子说得没错。 像一只悠游珊瑚间的热带鱼。   有人又说,像河豚啊~~ 碰到日本人就惨了! 嗨,姐妹,我们的脑袋差不多嘛!我的前世会不会是鱼呢?


如果正在计划假期出游,不妨考虑登嘉楼深度旅游,放缓脚步,慢慢欣赏。 (咱们正为家乡做点事,反哺跪乳之恩。。。。)  发霉的墙也有感觉。 阳光好,晒枕头。充满祥和的味道。 有海、有沙、有风、有闲情、有欢颜。 大船和绿豆。 绿豆换长豆----还是矮一截。:-P p.s.感觉上好像在抄左眼,。。。。老人家特爱登嘉楼的。