
我这门穆斯林世界的课还没上完,课程在二月才会结束,讲师却给美国政府气坏了。 讲师是伊朗人,父辈是传统的伊斯兰什叶派传教士,他本身是法学专家,从伊朗国内学制起步,后到很多西方国家留过学,教书做研究,包括在各回教国家的机构当顾问,资历十分深。目前他人在哥本哈根大学法学院教课,专攻国际法。 其实也不关讲师的背景,而是美国当局有法令: “.....certain U.S. export control regulations prohibit U.S. businesses, from offering services to users in sanctioned countries (Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria). The interpretation of the export control regulations in the context of MOOCs has been ambiguous up until now, and we had been operating under one interpretation of the law. ....In particular, the notion of “services” includes offering access to human grading of quizzes and assessments, peer-graded homework, and discussion forums.” 学校是在美国注册的,虽然是非盈利组织,但也归纳在以上的条规之下,所以被‘关照’了。 “But you will now be interested to hear that also my course (and anything else the school offers) has been classified, if not a weapon that could be misused, then at least a "service" and as such must not fall into the hands of anybody happening to live in the countrie...